In the morning, when the cock crows and the first sunbeams slowly shine over the Nockmountains, it‘s already lively and busy in our stalls. Elfi and Christian (and sometimes the girls too) are milking the cows, while grandpa takes care of the calfs and dwarf goats, as well as Maxi, our pony.
We are managing our Ottingerhof day in-day out, with a lot of love for the animals and nature!
We are milking our 30 cows twice a day, making fresh milk always available for us and our guests. Our veal and calfs are being nurtured for breeding. The pony Maxi, our dwarf goats Talea and Meggy, as well as the rabbits Fipsi and Haribo are having a really great time here with us.
Excerpt from the farm‘s daily log book:
The morning work in the barn is complete. Grandpa sharpened the scythe yesterday evening and is now on his way to the field to cut the edges off the meadows, because they are unreachable with the mower. Grandma is on her way to the garden to get some fresh herbs and salad for lunch, while Elfi and Sandra are already swinging the rakes in the field. Today is hay harvest day at the Ottingerhof. Christian is taking the tractor to drive the fresh scented hay to the farm, ensuring the food source for those long winter months.
Oh, how wonderful, such a diverse day at the farm, in the middle of nature and with the animals. In the evenings we often go up to the mountains, to check on the cows and calfs and to enjoy the last sunbeams of the day above the valley. A hefty snack already awaits below, which we can enjoy together, because, after a long hard working day, we‘ve earned it :-). And that is how an exciting day at the farm ends. And tomorrow, there is already a new task waiting for the entire family.
For us, living at the farm is a gift. We are enjoying the freedom, as well as the contact with the animals.